
Zelenograd Hyperlocal New Media

from 22.05.2015 to 18.12.2015



The goal was to customize an existing project to suit the needs of mobile users. It was crucial to make a smooth transition from the existing version to the new one while keeping the advertising options clients had.

The new adaptive design of the website had to meet the following objectives:

  • to enhance mobile users’ interaction with the website;
  • to build an image of modern new media;
  • to provide the editorial staff with wider opportunities for daily news coverage.

Zelenograd is a city drenched in greenery, a part of the City of Moscow where you won’t find street names (house numbers only). It is known as the Soviet Silicon Valley and a major scientific and industrial center of Soviet/Russian electronics and microelectronics.

Zelenograd.ru is a city web portal with a strong news focus, also featuring a business directory, job listings and ads.


The modular structure of the site pages and the grid-based layout with blocks enhanced by the BEM methodology enabled us to quickly build new pages based on previously developed elements. That gradually reduced the time required to code other sections. When creating a great number of blocks of the same type, the use of the BEM template engine brings numerous benefits.

For instance, we had to offer several mockups of the news headlines display. To do this, we created just one news headlines block with modifiers responsible for displaying certain parts of the block. This is very handy - it eliminates code duplication, makes your code reusable and easy to scale.

The BEM structure and naming conventions standardize the code and the entire project file system architecture. They make it more informative and understandable. Another specialist – or a few – can easily join the project.

The template engine saves you the bother of writing long html tags and enables you to write the code in an easy-to-read bemjson or bemhtml format instead, speeding up web development and making it even more enjoyable.

The major challenges we encountered at the integration stage were mostly unexpected issues which came up while the website was being filled with content. There is a lot of miscellaneous content there, and addressing all the bottlenecks at the development stage wasn’t feasible. This is exactly why we offer post-launch warranty, part of which was assisting the client in web integration.

Our solution to switch from one type of banner ads to another was a good one. The modular layout allows placing banner ads anywhere on the site even without changing their old look. The clients are not affected by the interface update. What’s more, when the banner ads become less numerous and improve in quality, the website will be ready for that. The project finance model does not suffer from an update either.

As for the website aesthetics, check it out and judge for yourself.

Project team
Dmitriy Provotorov
Product Manager
Dmitriy Sidorov
Art Director
Vladimir Stegantsov
Dmitriy Kiselev
Frontend Developer
Vitaliy Korneev
Frontend Developer
Sergey Kotsyuba
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